Procedure for Switch-Over of Pension Payment From PAO/Treasuries To Authorised Banks - Pensioners Portal

Procedure for Switch-Over of Pension Payment From PAO/Treasuries To Authorised Banks

*1 CS No-7 Authority CGA’s UO No.1(7) (1)2000/TA/377 dated 19-8-2002.
  1. The applications for switch-over to Authorised Banks (AB) by the existing pensioners will be made in the form as given in Annexure IX (in duplicate) to the Pension Disbursing Authority.
  2. The pensioners should first draw pension which has already fallen due, before applying for transfer of their pension papers to the Authorised Banks.
  3. Transfer applications in duplicate shall be forwarded immediately by the Pension Disbursing Authority alongwith the disburser’s copy of the PPO halves, duly authenticated and written upto date, to the CPAO for transmission to the Link Branches of the AB for arranging payment after keeping necessary note in their records. Action will also be taken by Pension Disbursing Authority to update the entries of payment made in the pensioner’s portion of the PPOs, if not already done, before the transfer applications are sent to the CPAO.
  4. If a PPO (disburser’s portion) has got torn or mutilated, it will be renewed by the CPAO with the help of PAO, if necessary, before sending it to the Link Branch.

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